Protect Your Home Construction Projects with Surefire Insurance Brokers


Building or renovating a home is a significant investment, and ensuring that this investment is protected is crucial. Home Indemnity Insurance, offered by Surefire Insurance Brokers, provides peace of mind for homeowners and builders in Western Australia, covering potential financial losses due to non-completion of building work or failure to rectify defects.

Home Indemnity Insurance

The Surefire Advantage

Partnering with Surefire Insurance Brokers for your Home Indemnity Insurance offers several benefits:

  • Expert Guidance: Our brokers have in-depth knowledge of the home construction insurance landscape in Western Australia, offering expert advice tailored to your project.
  • Streamlined Process: We simplify the insurance process, guiding you through policy selection, application, and compliance, making it as straightforward as possible.
  • Proactive Support: In the event of a claim, our team acts swiftly to ensure that your interests are represented, facilitating a smooth resolution.

Tailored Solutions for Every Business


Surefire Insurance Brokers provides tailored Home Indemnity Insurance solutions, recognising that every construction project has its unique risks and requirements. Our policies cover:

  • Non-Completion: Financial protection if your builder fails to complete the construction project.
  • Defects Rectification: Coverage for the costs of rectifying defects if the builder does not honour their obligations.
  • Tailored Limits: Insurance limits based on the contract value of your project, ensuring adequate coverage.

Why Home Indemnity Insurance?

  • Financial Security: Offers protection against financial losses if the building project is not completed or if post-completion defects are not rectified.
  • Compliance: Ensures that your building project adheres to Western Australian regulations requiring Home Indemnity Insurance for residential construction.
  • Builder Vetting: Encourages due diligence in selecting a reputable builder, as insurers assess builders' financial stability and track record before issuing a policy.

Secure Your Business Today

Ready to secure your business with Surefire?
Contact us today for a detailed consultation. Our team is ready to provide tailored solutions that match your business's unique needs.

Surefire Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd   |   ABN 33 664 956 567   |   AFSL 554324

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